Tuesday, January 17, 2006

7. "Shrek 2"

- The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) Web site, there is now a page with the headline Parents Beware: 'Shrek 2' Features Transgenderism And Crossdressing Themes.

Charles Keil, a film studies professor at the University of Toronto, says
"The whole idea behind the Shrek movies is a general message of tolerance - that outward appearances don't matter and that it's what's underneath that counts - and such complaints
defeat that larger, more important message."

Other TV Cross dressers include…

* Bug Bunny dressed up in women's clothes and kissed his male tormentors.

* Charlie Chaplin and the Three Stooges.

* Benny Hill and Monty Python

Finding Satan's hand in the world of entertainment is almost as old as religion

Roman philosopher Tertullian condemned the "pleasures of the spectacle" warning his fellow Christians to avoid wrestling, chariot racing, the circus, theaters and gladiator shows.


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